
12 years, 2 months ago by radhikas in Personal Sadhana Reports


S.S. Hanumat Presaka Swami
I hope that you be found well and happy in  Krsna Consciousness.  
Beloved Maharaja I send you some photos of Radhastami here in Harlingen with my daughters Gopakany and Thakurani and a family friend of my daughter Gopakanya.  
My husband is living in Houston doing arrangements for the family, next to my son Kapiduach and daughter Hariprana.  
Excuse me was difficult to visite Houston
Maharaja please I have a question, would you clarify it to me please; When arjuna already was disappointed of hes Masters even having  affection for them  He need take to Sri Krsna as his Guru Original, in this manner Arjuna show his rage to face his master darlings by justice.  
Draupadi was not protected by her great  teachers alone by Sri Krsna,
In this Way the Absolute Truth is showed
They are our examples, if they were pure to the point to see Sri Krsna, and even make mistake  in their opinions,  decisions, influenced by the desires and social commitments, then that can be expected for us?  
In my experience of Awareness of Krsna, the teachers help us to advance to certain level but then Sri Krsna takes in control because He  is the expert of all the fields of activities, He know all  souls and their RASAS.  Is it like this?  
   HpS - ASA - AGTSP There are many Gurus. Dhaumya was the "Kula guru" of the Pandavas, "family Guru", guiding them in all the necessary rituals of religious family life. Srila Prabhupada says "There is practically no difference between the family priest and the spiritual master." (SB 1.9.6-7). Husband is natural Guru for the wife, Mother is natural Guru for the children. Some one is Diksa guru and properly initiates into Parampara Mantra... Drona was the Astra guru, Martial arts Guru for the Pandavas. Bhisma was Guru as Grandfather. So, so many, but some of them are eternal relations. They are transparent via media to Krsna to the Supreme Guru, Lord Balarama. We don't want to surpass them. They are our telescopes to Krsna. We want more and more telescopes to see our only Lord. They only want to be used that way. O.K?
Balarama dances with Gopis trying to show them what it is like to dance, exchange Rasa, with Krsna.
If the RASA  are components  of the soul, they are corrupted in this world by wanted to enjoy separated of Sri Krsna and their rules and regulations. .....  Yes?
ASA - Yes. 
My question is like a Master has some RASA can guide to another who has other rasas more high?
ASA - Certainly. Hanuman was taking Sita to Rama.
They are the sins a sample of the perversion of the RASA  or is the material nature, lust, anger,and greed?
ASA - Don't understand the exact comparison?? ?   The NOD describes this.  First perversion of our Rasa with Krsna is Avidya, we think we are a part of this world. Then then leads to lust, greed and anger which are sins and these become more complicated and have different reactions over time.  We just need to "ceto darpana marjanam.." attack the root of avidya!
Thank You very much for your asociation
Your eternal  servant  
Mahabhava Cintamani dd
HpS - Jaya!  Thank you. Was worried not to hear from you for some time.  We we were all worried.