Lunatic Monkey's report from wilson

12 years, 3 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva :


Gurudeva we chant together everyday at japa joe umm but I guess I was neglicting to write to U ¡¡

Many things to report:

1.- I was feeling kind of boring or discouraged Ido not know how to describe my mood in everything service, work, relationships but after Radhastami I am feeling better and have more utsahan umm I guess that is why this festivals exists ¡¡¡

2.- Japa joe helps us a lot even if my mood was not so good I do not neglect my rounds with all the monkey warriors ¡¡¡ My study in BV is good but it can be better ¡¡¡  I will work on that ¡¡¡ Namacarya helps us a lot than we help him ¡¡¡ 

3.- Pujari: umm I presented a big complaint to my junta ¡¡¡ to make it short one elder devtoee organize one festival in wilson and do whatever they wanted in pujari they do not coordinate anything with me . This situation was really awkard it is really hard to me being in charge and do not live there and being a woman sometimes I feel that they do not hear me ¡¡¡ maybe is my mind or my stupidity to feel that I am a woman but anyway we continue taking care of Sri Sri Gaura Nitay ¡¡¡¡

4. NEWS: Regarding to Gaura Nitay They are going to be restore again their hands are injured the painting is not good and many many devotees complained about this so Ishananda (JpS) is going to restore Them, he restored Jay and vijaya in chosik a week ago before radhastami. Tomorrow Gaura Nitay are going to go to the asram in chosik ishananda prabhu will work there I am feeling nervous again I will rather prefer that They stay the way they look now but many many devotees told me that They need to be restore hope the last time ¡¡ for me this is too much for Gaura Nitay and too much for my mom's heart (lady sentimentalist jeje)

5.- Plans : My thesis buu is delay I will work on it also we are organizing a pujari training course with Gaura gadadhara in LIma ¡¡¡ for all of us we need to learn a lot

well Gurudeva this is it Yesterday festival was so great¡¡¡ so nice I am very happy 

The spring has come it is very nice to see the smile of the sun ¡¡¡

your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd 

                HpS -  ASA   -   Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya, explain that if we lose our enthusiasm we can always find it in our intelligence.  You mus always be a Candra Buddha Das.  Just take time to  reflect every now and then about who you are and what are your priorities!        "...vidya vadu jvanam..."     For some tme we are in these stupid bodies but that will pass very quickly!!