Always a journey in Utah

12 years, 5 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!

How are you?

    ASA - HpS  -  AGTSP!!!!           Hope YOU are with enthusiasm.   We are with enthusiasm but the poison ivy alergy is coming back.  Rash developing here and there on the legs.   Back to Steroids.

Since we decided to stay in Utah, things have now gone from one stage to the next. I think things are always progressing. Reb and I are both employed outside the temple, but are still living in the ashram, just paying a small amount of rent. I spend all day punching numbers in a computer. She is working at a kitchen store, which is great for her because she loves to cook. It has been good in some ways, bad in others. Two of the senior devotees are very bitter towards us now, although we have gone out of our way to try and mend things. I keep reflecting on your comment that there will always be social conflict. So staying separate has made it so there is less fault finding and offenses. I am also having to take public transportation to work (for hours) so I am always getting my rounds done, and reading by the time I get to work. I have been reading the book "Fortunate Souls," do you know it? It is very nice. It is nice to have that more regulated. We are doing more arati at home, because of our awkward schedule, but that is also nice, because we have very nice JBS deities from Vrndavan. 

I wrote to Sri Hari Prabhu and asked if we could get more formal guidance from him on our path to initiation. He is much more personable than Caru, although Caru is still in the loop. There is a lot of wonderful service here, but there is no Bhakta program to speak of for real spiritual training. 

I have seriously injured my right index finger from playing so much mrdanga. As soon as I finish paying off my debts, then I am saving up for an x-ray. I always had a tendency to play a bit aggressively, now I have to change my technique. We are saving more money for traveling in the future. Maybe we will go to LA again, or other nice temples. We will for sure save some money to visit Boise the next time you go. We were also thinking of Peru or India later on.

Your most fallen aspiring servant,

Bhakta Adrian

               ASA -  AGTSP!    Just keep your head down and avoid the bullets and keep on chanting Japa and it will change everything from the bottom up!    Eventually everything will become very, very clear.        We are in the same confused mess and that is what we are doing!!   Jaya!   See you in the light, and like this rather well even in the dark.