Nitya Kiśori dd reporting

12 years, 5 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

-These are our last days in Guadalajara.
Here we had the association of m.Radhika, she gave us courses for ladies in Krsna Conciousness. She is like a asrama guru, she is very nice, I like her very much, and I learned a lot from her.

-We had a good external result in our book distribution, we went to the universities, and Krsna gave us a sweet sankirtan.

-A pastime: in a school of gastronomy a teacher (years ago he was preparing to be a catholic priest for 7years), when we went to his classroom to distribute books, he ask if we could make a presentation about the philosophy for his students. We accepted. So the next week he prepared for us many groups of students. We made a presentation called higher taste, and talked about vegeterianism, prasadam as an old tradition in the spiritual culture of India, the transcedental meaning of culinary, about the way of living, about motivations in our work, how to make our preparations free of karma... I liked a lot to try to explain the philosophy but applied in a practical way to the interest of the students, I think it was quite nice, byKrsna's mercy. The teachers were very happy, we did the same program 3 times for differents groups (groups of 50 students! they chanted Hare Krsna, they took prasada, books), the autorities gave us permition to do sankirtan in the whole school, they told us we could come back the next time we will come to Guadalajara to make more programs like that.

-Inside essence?... I was thinking about was is the inside essence of what I am doing. I think this program shows me that explaining things to others gives me great satisfaction, I forgot the body, and my mind felt challeged, and I liked the challenge, to use my intelligence to relate the philosophy to the students in a practical way, to make it simple to understand but at the same time showing that is a very deep philosophy. I saw that Krsna gives us some inteligence to use it for Him, and when you do this, you feel great satisfacction. I was thinking I really want to study education, more and more I am convinced it is really something I can do and feel very satisfied serving Krsna in that way. Of course it was the first time I did this, do even if I thought it was very good, I make many mistakes, like talking to much, it was nice but too long, so they became borred, but I could not feel it because I was too much into my speech, and then i felt sad because of my mistakes, my ego was hurt. But I think the most important is that it is a confirmation that education it is something I can do to serve Krsna, and serving Krsna in this way gives me lot of satisfaction and enthusiasm. So I am learning more about myself and how I can engage permanently and practically in Srila Prabhupada's mission!
I don't understand what meens the inside essence of what I am doing, but I am trying to think about, to remain in Srila Prabhupada's boat as a sailor life after life!

Thank you Gurudeva, excuse me I am not able to take your association in japa joe.
Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

the photos are from one students, we didn't had camera!

                   HpS - ASA -  AGTSP...   paoho... this is all very good.   it is amazing, but the fact still remains that all the boys should remain celibate and all the girls should get married, no?              Please run a little faster....   !!!