All Glories to You!

12 years, 4 months ago by sarad-bihari-dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krishna Gurudeva, Please accept my obeisances at your lotus feet, All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to you!
    ASA -   AGTSP!   Nos realizamos casi todo, 99.999% basado en la esfuerza de el!!
To be  sincere, we are very concerned about your physical health, we know that you are transcendental to all  that Gurudeva ,but that's our situation in relation to that, I hope your body recovers soon.
         ASA - Ha mejorado mucho con le steroids!
                     i always chant 16 rounds fixed , and i daily attend my deities, I try to read every day , it is super inspiring for  me and almost essential to my spiritual life, I am currently reading the madhurya Kadambini (I this facinanting for me ) and also read  nectar of devotion, and in my bag I have a Upadesamrta for the times that I'm in the street ,in the playground with radhe  etc, Im still atending the deitys  on Friday which makes me  infinitely glad, I noticed how it has helped me., and we are having the good  asociation of Krsna as P Gundica Varuthapa, Anandini, Yanina ,Isaac and many more, so we are glad :D   Radhe  started  school in an Adventist  institute ,  he still see the  krsna cartoons and we are always trying to do things in order to inspire him ,but he  often is the one who inspires me in the spiritual life:
D, I hope your body heath improve  very soon and we hope  to see you soon Gurudeva,  it is a selfish desire but we need  you so much here, who really wants to serve you,
Sarad Bihari Dasi
   ASA -   HpS  -  AGTSP    paoho.  It is so, so, so very nice to hear from you...  What is happening with the Mahatma Mangal-ananda Das???   We chatted with the Nimai-pandita Das today also...   First communication with Barcelona in months.  We would like very much to visit there!!!!!       Hope Krsna arranged is all.   Wherever we keep our minds controled and aimed at serving Krsna, Hara will give us a visio of the spirituality in everything!!  We can always live in Goloka even in this material world..  and give it to others.
 Great fotos...   Hanuman!