deitiy worship

12 years, 4 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear gurudeva, pamho, agtSP,

It`s been 2 weeks my wife is in spain, compensation from my journey to India only one week to return.

This material world, uff!!    Thanks god is asasvatam.

My mind is wondering so much, sometimes is so easy to chant 16 rounds, but sometimes almost imposible.

My only hope: holy names and sadhu sanga.

Few days ago I read article by radhanath swami about his counseling program and the experience in iskcon chowpatty, what a clear and practical view, inspired me a lot.

Work is fine this week I gave 2 BG and a few small books, we got a new version of science of self realization very nice.

Preaching is growing nicely in Mar, all devotees working very enthusiasticly in the new loft, next Sunday inauguration. Former loft now will be a holistic health center managed completely by devotees, so is going to be really holistic,  health for the soul, medicine is only an excuse to preach.

Navina Nirada prabhu was here for 3 days, utsaha.

Deity worship is a big debt for me, I just cant get in that mood, how can I improve?

   HpS - AgtSP.    SO much interesting news!!!                Some people like hearing some like chanting.  As soon as they hear just a little bit they want to do a thousand things to explain it. Some like Deity worship....    So, do the minimum now.   Mangala arati!          Krsna likes all kinds of things!!!

I can feel the mercy of the vaisnavas, makes me want to help more and more in this mission, SPs mission.
Hope you are super well.
Hare krisna!!
Bhakta Nicasio.

            Sankirtana!     Sankirtana!                  This   poison ivy  reaction is very interesting.   The redness and weeping sores seems to be decreasing, but now the inflamation in both feet and legs seems to be getting pretty critical.   M. Guru-bhakti DD is good doctor.      Maybe we start the long treatment with steroids....   21 days.     Hare Krsna!!!!               !