DTC (Mo/3) - 3.36AM

11 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

         A G T S P !      (paoho)
    We are still in Srinivasa Ji's Ashrama in Richmond, Virginia.  Yesterday we had no Internet connection until 10AM so we could not join the Japa Workshop (Japa Joe). Neither could we meet with Srinivasa Das from India for our BhVai, Curriculum Development Worshop at 6AM. [Two Srinivasas].  However, we called Laksmana-agra-ja Das at 6AM and had ecstatic BhVai program.

       Then we all got in the van and drove to Yogaville. (Dr. Bandyopadhyay called us in route. The NIOS history book is being delivered to the President of India!). At Yogaville about 250 or less yogis and yoginis and yogitos (kids) met us with a great reception and after they finished their organic, home grown, vegetarian lunch we had a kirtana and lecture.  They were ecstatic. They are followers of Satchitananda Swami who is disciple of Sivananda Sarasvati who founded the Divine Life Society.  They have 650 acres of parks and monuments and ashramas.

    We understand that their philosophy is from impersonal perspective and that may cause some problems in character, but we saw lot of personal character and work manifested, very laudable!       However, their Deities seemed like statues, however they commented that they also felt so and should offer fruit and flowers daily.

  ..  Ecstatic Kirtana..   Lecture got 150 praises...   they bought ocean of big and small books.

  ...  Tour of their project.

   ...  Back in the van and 2-hours back to Richmond.  (Fruit too late but necessary).    Rest ...   Z  Z  ZZ  !             Up at 1.15AM  ( bonk!   crash...   up at 1.49AM!!)      Japa Joe.               Some Sandesha (like Prabhupada)  (too much??).

      ... >>>    Today we have NIMSAR meeting at 10AM, interview of Professor Kenneth Rose at 11AM, lunch with devotees in third city at 1AM   (rest)  lecture at University of Virginia at 6PM (Spirituality without Relgion?).    Back to Srinivasa Ji's Ashrama.                    >>====>           We are not the doer.           Yet, we have to work to do less and write more...          Govinda!!!!


                                     Anyone who chants "Sri Krsna Caitanya..." and follows it with "Hare Krsna, Hare ..." has achieved the perfection of life!", Srila Prabhupada.                    Ahhh!     Yayatma suprasidati...!          Krsna is pleased, Servant is pleased,   Guru is pleased..

(Also have to Read/Write Blog, Send BhVai Notes to LaD and Srinivasa, start reading Chapter 22, look at  Yahoo!)  >>=====>              Hare Krsna!