The One whos banner is Hanuman jaya !

12 years, 4 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeissances

Dear Maharaja

Reading you personal stories and insights with the Quena flute was really especial, highly transcendental jaya !   we`ve liked the quena since we were very young also but it was your example and pic in Las salinas de Chilca beach - Lima holding a quena for the Lord that put us to work it out for Sri Krishna and His devotees.  We will be eternally grateful !

HpS - ASA  -   AGTSP   pamho.   Who isn't indebted to the flute culture of the Ands for appreciating he flute.

We were reading the Sri Brihad Bhagavatamrita of Srila Sanatana Goswami and found a powerful insight into Gopa-kumar persistence in Dvaraka-Vaikunta to persist in his rasa with the Lord.  Being a cowherd from Vraja but being asked to change into a Vaikunta powerful citizen he persists as a cowheard,  seeing the tears in the  Lord`s eyes when holding his flute just filled our hearts with transcendenta love.  Goloka !  the Primeval Abode of the Primeval Lord is even hard to reach for the inhabitants of Dvaraka-Vaikunta but Gopa-Kumar  was on his way as a Vraja cowherd flute in hand.  I made us think of your flute stories and persistence to keep you rasa to the highest goal in the center of all the universes, Goloka.  So much insight Maharaja. We take it slowly but steady.  Jaya Srila Prabhupada !     service to his Lotus Feet is eternal,  sanskrit grammmar is eternal, flute is eternal, rasas are many but also eternal.  Goloka, Vraja, Radha Krishna   jaya  jaya  !!!!

ASA -  Oink!   Oink!    Gracias a Vd!!!