Hare Krsna Gurudeva. How are you? I hope you are fine.
Sorry for not write so frequently is because I am in Vraja Bhumi Temple in Brasil. I get here on August 7 th and I will be here for 3 months. Here is very difficult to find a good internet because is a rural place. I have to travel 45 minutes to the nearest city Teresopolis for enter through internet.
It is a very beautiful place full of nature and the temple has a wonderful structure. Here I am in charge of making the garlands for the deities and I am pujari assistant too. I am also learning how to cook for the deities because they are some dishes that have been prepared that I don’t know how to do them.
Then I have the possibility of being a pujari Krsna Balarama Deities. I find this experience very interesting because I am developing new abilities in serving Krsna.
My rounds and my principles are pretty good and I am attending the morning program and Gaura aratik too. I am chanting my Gayatri .
I hope to know what do you think about what I wrote, please If you can you could give me an opinion?
Thank you for everything
Your servant
Draupadi Devi Dasi
HpS - ASA ---- Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!! Paoho... Yes, we are in anxiety not to hear from you from time to time... Is very nice to hear you are in Brazil. One time a temple president wrote to Prabhupada commenting that the B'caris and Sannyasis were moving from Temple to Temple and that it made management difficult, so please make a statement that they should not travel. We heard that Srila Prabhupada responded that no, this was the opulence of the single life. A married person has their house, friends, toolds, business and they adjust for their satisfaction. But B'cari, B'carini, doesn't have these things. A Sannyasi just has a little luggage and place to camp on the Ashrama floor, but that allows them to travel freely. So, they should be allowed to travel, meet different people, experience different Temples, see the different deitys and their service. Do Sankirtan, but they should not do it whimsically. They should not be restricted from travel but they should co-ordinate it with the management so that they do not have big head ache. "Prabhu, I'd like to visit New York Temple for 3-4 months. Is that O.K.?" "Yes, but can you leave after one month, then Saranga Das is coming and he can do your service." "O.K."
So, you seem to be doing just fine... If you fine something valuable to bring back to Peru with you that will be nice!
How long will you be there? Are you still working in the Britannica Center? Any long range plans? What Deitys are on the altar there?