Hare Krsna Maharaj
This letter is regarding only your Calender Development. Will it be possible to come to Mumbai from Europe and then goto Kolkata. We invite you to stay at our house. Girivardhari Gopal Prabhu from Pune can come easily to Mumbai as compared to Delhi. We are sorry for this audacity but we still will invite you.
We dont know your plans to go to Vraj this time therefore we think you can come to Mumbai, we dont know of your flights from Europe to India (they generally come to Delhi or Mumbai).
We are not very well versed in reception, but stil we wish if you can spend some time in Mumbai. We understand we have selfish reason in inviting you, but we think on Sankirtan front IIT Bombay boys will also benefit from your Scientific Preaching. We know the Professor who is handling the preaching inside IIT quite well.
please give a thought
Aspiring to be disciplined by you,
bhakta caballo
HpS -- ASA -- AgtSP paoho. We had not thought of this but now that you suggested it we can investigate.... We take your request very seriously, a good horse is hard to find.