Our best friends not on facebook

11 years, 8 months ago by chas d lind in Other

pamho AGtSP!

Maharaja, been reading  current postings on the Monkeywarrior and relate to your current health issues even at the point of death. Some say death is our best friend, Contraire' Monsieur', I say death will take us to our best friend but only if we know His name. Since you're emphasis on japa-nama and sravanam are so strong I am confident you will be successful.

Your semi-humble disciples may need a little more practice in following your impeccable examples. Reardless,  as your disciples we need to constantly improve our practice to insure your Spiritual generosity is returned with interest. The vow's we give at initiation are not only primer for continous improvement in our sadhana but also in sharing our realizations to other semi-qualified souls. Thus, strength and elevation is guaranteed in our efforts. Now to actually do this will be more impressive for "talking the talk" and "walking the walk" are 2 different things.

All glories to your service,

your servant in training,



HpS -  ASA    ---   AGTSP    paoho.    I think we also fall in this semi-qualified   category.    "Old age is a good friend for a devotee.  Even now we have some moderate chest pains at time and heart not so strong.  Have to fortify it with intelligent Sadhana.   Always focusing on distributing Gaura vani to the Pascatyadesa.


Your letter is the best writing we have ever seen you make.    Wonderful.

Best succees in Modesto  (Modesty)......