b.Natalia Reporting

12 years, 4 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Bhakti Sastri at Cueramaro already finised. I feel lot of separation from the farm, the devotees, and the study program.

Now I am at Guadalajara, since the 6th. We spend Janmastami (9th), Srila Prabhupada apperance day (10th), and two day of "Festival of India" (11th &12th). Today, 13th, japa joe, ekadasi, fist day of serious sankirtan here in Guadalajara: 62 small books and 3 Bhagavad Gita pocket! (new ones, that just came from Chine, very beatiful edition) we go out to the street again in the afternoon!.

We are trying to develop the taste for book distribution, some attachment to glorify Krsna in this way. My good fortune is that I admire a lot this service, and I like a lot the association of devotees in sankirtan.

16 rounds, 4 regulative principles, ok. I feel very grateful to Krsna, because He give muUUch more than I deserve. There is insatisfaction in my heart due material desires, I need to be more regulated, I need to understand better our philosophy, read Srila Prabhupada's books, and to become more interested in Krsna... but at least we are in the right place. How to make progress? How to become more responsable? How to surrender more to Krsna, not only externally? I dream one day I can give to others what I am receiving now, I dream one day I can be a sincere servant, and serve others in their Krsna conciousness.

I ask humbly your blessings,

Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

ASA -  Jaya!       AGTSP    paoho.              Talking to interested people about Krsna constantly IS the essence of the spiritual world!!!!!!!