NIOS Goes E-book

6 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

On Sunday, November 25, 2018, 11:10:06 AM CST, Srinath Krsna Das

Dear Guru Maharaja 

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

The kindle version of the book is ready for publication Maharaja. In order to publish the book, we need to give Amazon a checking account for them to deposit the royalties. They don't have a check option for disbursal of royalties. 

The details needed for the account are

HpS – AGTSP!  I will assume it is O.K. with our President and Treasurer for us to start depositing the money direct unless I hear them howling in the by December 5th.  Are we risking having our account hacked and all our money stolen? I don’t think more than normally, no?

1.   Account holder name


2.   Account number


3.     Routing number


1.    Name of the bank


Would it all right if we can use the same checking account for the paperback as well Maharaja? That way, we don't have to pay Amazon a handling fee for the checks.

HpS – Seems fine to us. This is all prototype work. I suggest you, Joshua, and Abhirama Das in Peru set all this up. It may be very easy to handle a lot of this from Peru.

Since the book has a lot of pictures, the file size is close to 68 Mb. Amazon charges a delivery charge of $10.17, if we choose the 70% royalty option. As discussed, I'll select the 35% royalty option with a list price of $5. This give us a royalty of $1.75.

HpS – That is fine, 35%.

Once the account information is entered and we can publish the ebook, it should be available within 72 hours on

I have updated the ISBN file you sent me with an entry for Twirl Your Beads.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa