hare krsna maharaj,
PAMHO, dandvat pranam, AGTSP.
hope you are having nice preparation for Janmasthami in Boise!!. And your health has also must have improved!!...
HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho... We were like 80% out of the Janmastami rush. Was a big festival for such a little metropolis. Devotees came from hundreds of miles away to visit with us so we spent a lot of time in personal meeings with different devotees, families. Hare Krsna!
Inflamation in thoat, mouth and tongue has been gone for like six days now. Ayurvedic analysis, vitamin B-12 supplement, Hand of God, seem to have worked!
... we have many issues to talk/tell about so should we write them in single letter or in multiple letter.. (please suggest as per your convenience)...
HpS - ASA - Best is bite size pieces. Post them here are put the top priority items first because we could have a global plague and all die at any moment.
...top priority is our sadhana
in last letter[node/1849] your grace wrote--- So get a habit. I would recomend Caitanya caritamrta. Start reading every day before breakfast. Can't eat until one page done. Then report back to us.
we read TLC daily atleast one page. its very esoteric, however we did read it after break fast [only 4 days] rest were before breakfast. 16 rounds average intact.[1 rule broken] we are at teachings to santana goswami. we are attending managal arti mayapur.tv
ASA - It's nice isn't it??? Prabhupada's books... TLC is the philosophy extracted by Srila Prabhupada from the Caitanya-caritamrta, the logic of Lord Caitanya's philosophy. We see that it is a GREAT book for scholars, 4-5 five nice size dialogs, logic, history. The Caitanya caritamrta has more history, culture drama tossed in. That's why we recommended it to start with.
we had a question how does relationship with you varies for you as formal aspirant as compared to hari nama intiated person ?
ASA - AGTSP! I guess it is like asking a professor at the university if your can just sit in on his class as an informal student and he says, yes. Then after you decide to become a registered student, satisfy the admission requirements, pay your fees, sign your contract and end up in the say class again with the same professor. Same thing but now with more commitment, more perfomance requirements, promiised rewards..
... if we are able to follow 16 rule and follow 4 rules strictly, so in India trip in march 2013 can we take hari nam intiation or we can be just formal aspirant..
ASA - O.K. Pull out the fingers... Sept (1), October (2) ... March (7) = Formal Aspirant, .... August (12) = First intiation. + two years = second initiation, + 4 = grhastha-goswami iniciacion .... Had a funny conversation with one American couple few days ago. They said that when whenever the felt like kicking or biting or beating on their beloved partner they would kiss them instead. So, simple but really worked. They realized that they really love each other. They want to go back to see Krsna hand in hand! (Jaya! Interesting. We pretty much skipped that and went straight to Sannyasa).
You also wrote that:Honestly seems like you can make good conclusion to this race!!--- what race were your grace was referring to .
ASA - Human race! Rat race! Race against death! Become Krsnna conscious before we leave this body!
family front is better, (Yeah, Anantarupa Das asked our opinion about the advice he has been giving you all. We agreed so much. There seems to be a real way to do things.) our son seems to be Ksatriya to us it seems he has karma of becoming a ruler or administrator... [we also have ksatriya quality but want to fight not rule]... i think its better to bring him to mode of goodness.. any suggestions?
ASA - Krsna didn't try to bring Arjuna up in the mode of goodness. Best find peoples Karma and then teaching to use it for Krsna. Nanda-maharaja was mixed passion and ignorance, Vaisya, but all was done for Krsna, so it became saturated Purely Good within the broader perspective. Vaisyas have to cut the testicles off of bulls to make them oxen. Most of the men I know, actually all of them, would probably object if some one wantd to cut off their testicles. Sinful reaction, but was within the broader perspective fo serving Krsna so it was a good thing.
We were thinking to make some ppt or transcription for you
1. we offered transcription service of sankhya lectures.. but you asked us to hold...as you said you would be doing it.. is this service still available?
2. we were thinking of making ppt on TIME its origin etc [ one of the question of Parikshit Maharaj in chap 8 canto 2]..as we got many insights from on time, do you think it is worth an effort. we would offer this ppt to you as you generally meet highly intellectual people.
3. or is there any service we can be engaged over micro-soft office. [making balance sheet in MS excel etc]
4. we are still trying to serve Prof Samaresh
ASA - Our life is still not stable enough to give any decent answer to these questions. This USA Tour which we just finished, May, Europe, India tours, were last of a series in our life. We are facing some kind of Paramahamsa Ashrama in our Sannyasa now. Our Parivrajacharya has to end. Gotta settle down more and as we do that we can have a desk with papers and ideas in diferent jars, drawers. Just write to us interesting things from your professional life that relate to Krsna here at the Blog!
thats for now... thanks for japa joe and correction in those.....
waiting to be briddled again
ASA - Horse! Krsna was charioteer for four for Arjuna! Thank You!