""AGTSP!!!"" ***Pamho Gurudev * * *

12 years, 7 months ago by Yamila Sandivara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Mendoza report: (Yasasvini Devi Dasi)

Friday: Harinama.
Saturday: 2 programs; one for new people (BG) and other for devotees (SB).
Sunday: program.   Public program in conference place; once per month; Maha mantra, class, Prasadam, books distribution.  (last month; 4 hours of kirtan program also)
(we rent beautiful place; for Janmashtami)
Maybe "Ratha Yatra <img alt="" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" /> in oct-Nov.  (not date still)
sadhana: r. 64, SB 7. (proyec: put books S. Prabhupada, in Bibliotecas University and others =) Now studying psychology here; better university.
jaya jaya S.Prabhupada!!!!!  jayaa Gurudev*
ASA   -      AGTSP ...        Paoho....     How is the great Murajita Das and his good wife?     We are getting little bit of news of Yadupuri Das on Japa Joe now.     It is 5.47 PM here in Idaho.  Had like a 97% productive day.  Now, last few minutes have strong chest pains on left and right.  Ha!     Ha!    Maybe is heart attack?      Ha!    Ha!         Ha!     Ha!    Maybe is bad posture to use computer on our lap.            Who goes on Harinama with you all??????????