12 years, 4 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna!!

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Dear Gurudeva this blog is pure nectar. Your intelligence is far far beyond our comprehension,

HpS - ASA ---   AGTSP    paoho.    Well most of these entrys are written by us, Monkey/Piggy, not HpS, so little wonder that you find us of super-hooman inteligence!!!   .U.

but definetly amazing. I´m struggling so much to following in your footsteps, but feel happy in the process.

I was thinking about you health difficulties. You being pitta constitution tend to have pitta aggravation thus causing inflammation.

HpS - ASA --  Yes, your diagnosis agrees with Dr. RP SIngh, MLK Rao, Vivek Narayana, and 35 years of Ayurveda, curing throat cancer Rupa-anuga Caitnya Das.   Ha!    Ha!   Ha!  (re!).... 

That combined with your intense travelling schedule which also aggravates vata is intense. Vata is moving space and air. So is like blowing to the fire. Before Srila Bhaktisiddantha Sarasvati`s preaching revolution sannyasis would travel walking or maybe in bull carts. In modern era sannyasis travel in jet planes at a speed of 900 km/h, 10 km high in the air, covering thousands of km in a few hours. I can imagine how intense that is to one`s burro. Such a huge austerity.

ASA - Brother Ass, "Hee!   Haw!!"

Once I heard that doctors who mastered the ayurvedic science of healing with mantras could not move anywhere.

I`m glad you find the proper diet “Four sprigs of parsley finely chopped and steep in three cups of warm water to be offered and honored at least once a day. One cantaloupe or other sweet melon, Kitriof PLAIN vegetables and rice and garbanza.” To balance your burro.

ASA -   Yes, and Vitamin B 12   Supplement, and change!!!   of life style...      So, two days ago, after two months of ulcerationg throat and mouth inflamation, for the first time it was finally gone  and has stayed gone...  !     Your analysis is so concise.

Yesterday I tried to join japa joe meeting but had problem with some corrupt file or something. I will try tomorrow, boise is 3 hour before here. My regards to Mr Anantarupa prabhu et al.

Trying to become your servant.

Bhakta temporary bachelor.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP   pamho.  Brahmacari means only talking about Krsna.  Even if we have to talk about family and business affairs if we do it with clear intelligence of how it is for Krsna, we are still perfect Brahmacaris.