Hare Krsna Gurudev (Vrsabhanu nandini DD)

12 years, 5 months ago by Victoria in Personal Sadhana Reports




ASA - 3% para nosotros (o menos)


Hare Krsna Gurudev, i hope you be fine and happy!  so long since the last time that i write to you. after the travel with you in india we went to barcelona for 2 mounth and a half and we return to india because a devotte from south india and the congregational develpment ministry following the disire of Jayapataka Swami propose to us make a series of 60 videos of 15 min each about 

 the holy places in Navadwip Dham. that will be in Tamil lenguage 

then with this material we can do in others lenguages for the devotees in westerns countrys who could not travel to Mayapur. 


ASA - (Tom Brown)   Cool!




I ask for your benediction to do this service in the best way and could be useful to get know this holy place. we expend 2 mounth aprox to film everything and another 2 to edit

we decided to suspend por this time the regular studie of BV with prabhu Laksman because we dont have time to do well, to acomplish


we return to argentina in december



ASA - Oink!    Oink!       Whoop!             Whoop!                    The benediction to do it well is access to daily purification through Hari Kirtana (Japa) and Srila Prabhupada's books.  O.K. Don't do BhSastri, but unless you sharpen your intelligence daily on SB & BG you will become dull and you will produce another useless ISKCON movie series.    Oooof!       We know.   We've done it.          Useless.                Booring.                  Superficial....



              ....  Why not read the "Teachings of Lord Caitanya"  while you are doing this project.   You can read it with Ambarisa and then send small comments to this BLOG   G   G  !!


the time that i was in india and specialy the last time i can experiance a good japa, mangalaarati, etc. then with the travels and the stay in spain all got worst

now i m recover going better all days i chant my 16 round even it is no good in general. 

really i fell that almost all the time i chant in a mecanical way that i can can not keep the mind staedy and the mind moving for everywhere

.i know that and i can change it. it is that i make a habit of a bad habit 

i really want to improve my chanting i fell that the external instability dificult my chanting..

once i heart from Udmila Mataji that the materialistic mentality work in a way that the person think that when everything that is in our  around, space be ordered according to our desire, that will be the moment  when one will be fine

She warned us to not have this materialistic consciousness in our spiritual activities. I realize that I have that materialistic conditioning .


I also realize how small is my shelter in the holy name, because when there is discomfort, anxiety, instead of praying to Krishna, I can not sing properly, it costs me more.

Mayapur in this time is very beautiful, although very hot, and the rains are beginning and then there are clouds so beautiful, that whensunrise or sunset the color are strongr intense. The breeze is cool when the sun goes down and everything is more tranquil than in times of festival. Somehow I perceive as more privacy. This climate favors the holy dham aesthetically. 

Sometimes it s starts to rain in the middle of filming and we have to run for shelter in a house or temple. Wait until the rain stops gives me the opportunity to be more contemplative and absorbing the atmosphere of the place.



Guru Maharaha, I have a doubt about what decision to take.

 My question is about  having children. Sometimes I feel it's a good decisión tand sometimes I doubt about that . When that happens is because I start to wonder where it comes from the desire itself, if it is my feminine nature, instinct, the social order ... . if one is obligated to satisfy the desire.It is also true that the real renunciation is to use everything you have  in Krsna S and guru service and taking care of a person who comes into the world is a great service. I do not know if that's my service and if I have to have children by the fact of be a womanand be Married. i really dont Know.


atached 2 photos of the recently inagurated Pushpa Samadhiof Jayananda Prabhu In the temple Of JAganatha In Rajaspur in Simantadwip. navadwip

Thank you very much for your guide , inspiration and mercy

sorry for this loooooong letter

Your servant Vrsabhanu Nandini devi dasi


ASA - AGTSP!!!        That's why we get up for Brahma-muhurta, Kirtan, SB, because these things will make the chanting enthusiastic.   Prabhupada says that we cannot do enthusiastic service without these basic regulative practices.

Yes, have a few nice kids.

Put them in the Strategy with Ambarisa and your families.

It's a long term service but it doesn't take all you time, and then your can pass your realization on very naturally!

Nice foto!               We how the Manpuri fotos you gave us many times, and will show them more!