Material life

12 years, 2 months ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for your response on jealousy. I determined that I was jealous and not envious.

On another note, I have news. Remember how I said I was getting married on the 31st of August? Well, it has been postponed. It has become such a confusing situation that I don't know if I am in the situation. Basically my husband-to-be is dealing with some doubts about the relationship as well as his Krishna Consciousness. He's basically having an identity crisis because he doesn't know what he wants to do with himself, if he wants to get married, if he wants to be a devotee. And he decided to let me know a month before our wedding. Good 'ole men. 

We have been taking some guidance as to what we do from here. Our plan is that he will go away for a month with the brahmacari ashrama to get some association with his friends, get his sadhanna in order, get some TLC, some time to think about things, in short to get his act together. He needs his own space for a while. As for me, I am moving out of the tmple because I have been having a hard time living here. I shall look for a job, help with our outreach program, and begin school in September. 

I am letting you know of this so that you can advise me of weather this is the right course of action and of how I can deal with the pain and suffering I am going through? Should I still consider even marrying him? My mentor told me that I should see this as Krishna's mercy because if I had gone through with the marriage with him not tellng me it would have been even worse.  Krishna is protecting me and I should appreciate Him for doing so. I also feel sorry for my husband-to-be. I really don't like to see him suffering the way he is.

Anyways, this is my life right now. Sorry about its condition. Please pray for us. 

Your aspiring servant,

Princess Sunshine of the North

ASA - Dear Esteemed Princess Sunshine of the North.   Here we are honorable Monkey San and Piggy San of the West.           Ooooof!     Your life seems terrible, but on the other had, we read about ladies in Africa who are in refugee camps, whose husband have taken the animals and gone to safer places in the South and left them with three kids to save, and who run a 3% chance of getting raped each time they leave  the Camp for water, and we thnk...   "Could be worse".

Varna-ashrama, meditation, fire-sacrifices, they don't work in Kali-yuga   EXCEPT on the basis of Bhagavata dharma.         What is that.  You and your associate read and discuss Srimad Bhagavatam together.   Are you doing that???                I have preached this, practice it pretty well and get reports for regular famiies that it is a fact.  16/4 mangala arati and we survive they say.  But daily reading and discussing with the four of us, they say, we actually are enthusiastic in K.C.

O.K.    Then live in the Temple and be a Nun, or a Brahminical Grhastha or live outside and become a Ksatrini Grhastha,  that becomes basically clear in the Light of the Bhagavata.          Basically the idea is that's its easier for girls to be married to a sane Dude.   If Krsna doesn't send one, He will marry you Himself. (hmmm ??).

Well that's East to the North.

We're on SB 3.13-15     Chapter review right now.  Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening.   Kumara Kurse the Door-keepers.   These things are going on inISKCON Vaikuntha.   LIfe becomes an adventure. "Come one come all, Join the fun in the ISKCON Hall"