GP Dates -- Your Referral of Sri Kara das

12 years, 8 months ago by saranga-das in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaj:

Pamho. AgtSP. Hare Krsna!

1. First off, thank you for your referral to Sri Kara das. I found him quite pleasant and very well informed. He also told me of his prior associat with the BI in the East Bay. I look forward to developing a nice association with him. Again, thanks!

2. I discussed with him my findings regarding Gaura Purnima dates and he agrees there is a real problem. Moreover, he doesn't even use the GBC Vaishnava calendar finding it full of errors including Ekadasi dates. He also told me that he doesn't even know where to begin to address these issues inside Iskcon GBC.

3. He also recommends an educational program regarding Vedic (Hindu) astrology for Iskcon/Gaudiya Vaishnava Krsna devotees. I certainly agree that an educational program is needed for the proper study of Vedic astronomy which should include Hindu astrology.

4. Nonetheless, I'm ready to start with appropriate GBC individuals responsible for the Vaisnava calendar. Let's start with the top and give a power person I can talk with.

5. Also, regarding the Zodiac and the 5th Canto. Yes, of course, they are listed but this topic requires some discussion which I will postpone to a future post.

Yhs, Saranga Thakura das

Hanuman Ki Jaya!

HpS - ASA - Jaya.   We hope that your moments of Peace and Clarity are expanding more and more.   They are very nice.   How is the Japa vrata.

READERS: Saranga Thakura Das, anu das, anu das, is in Alaska and fighting with super physical health problems.

Saranga - I don't know so much about the GBC astrology community.  The person who comes to mind is Prahlad-ananda Swami.  Of course, these are super, Super, SUPER, S U P E R, busy people so you have to approach them as you are in this letter, with the motivational necessity of your interests shinning in the forefront.

prahladananda swami <[email protected]>