Bhakta Adrian Report, UTAH

12 years, 8 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Always ups and downs. I feel like I am on a spiritual rollercoaster. Working on patching things up with Reb. I think it is going well. I am constantly working on improving my rounds, staying focused, and making the full morning program. Caru and Vai are such amazing devotees! They are excelent leaders, and give wonderful advice. I am so fortunate.

I had one question. I was reading in the  NOD, where it was talking about doing service to devotees. Lord Siva says that the greatest service is done to the Supreme Lord, but even greater than that is serving the Lord's devotees. So I was asking about this in Bhagavad Gita class, and the responce that I got was that there was actually no greater service performed than by those of the Gopis, and that serving the devotees isn't the most dear to Krishna. I have learned that the Gopi's love for Krishna goes unmatched, but it says right there in black and white that the best service is to Krishna's devotees. It seems like the Gopis mostly performed their loving service towards Krishna directly. So which is superior? Service done in the mood of the Gopis, or service done to the Lord's Devotees??

Your Servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - ASA - We chant Hare Krsna.   We worship Krsna by worshiping the Gopis (Hara) worshipping Krsna, no?      Service to the devotee is higher when it helps us serve Krsna better.   That is what we understand also.    Yes, much more detail of this in NOD.   But Gurv-astakam every morning is respects to Devotee.