DTC (Sa/23)

12 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

Oink!       Oink!      Whoop!         Whoop!            Beep/Beep!

AgtSP      Paoho & BW!               Here we are in Dallas. It is Vyasa-puja of Tamal-krsna Goswami.     Very, very, very intense festival.    Many, many devotees here.   Many, many very profund recollections of pastimes with Goswami.

Shyama-sundara Das recalls taking Maharaja to the dentist for a root canal surgery. He told the dentist he didn't need any anesthetic. The dentist said that was impossible.   Goswami, said, no, just put on my headphones and I will listen to lecture of Prabhupada.

Shyama-sundara Prabhu was just a few feet away from Maharaja and experienced the whole pastime.   Full root canal, oral surgery, no anesthetic.

Many other profound recollections.    We spoke of our little experience.

           Traveling is so hard to offer exactly what you want to Lord.

              Very nice hosts!            We put too much salt in the offering

                          Yesterday.     Body shaking!      Yet, nice soup
                                  rice and effusion as suggested!
                    O.K.  Mail!      TPP!      Today is book release.