
12 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

A G T S P !      (paoh)                   Meaner than a junk-yard dog! !          Our tongue, throat and mouth still are infected rather.          Ooooooo!      Aaaaah!            Arrrrrgh!                   Gronk....    Don't spread, don't get bettah!                  H mmmm m?         Feel a little general fevah, and rest a bit, but not much change.    Head'n to three weeks now????         Should be dead or should be cured.           Doc Vivek, and Doc Ravi and Doc R'anuga and Doc Common Sense all say it's stress.      Rest.       O.K.              Not much else to do.

And the arthitis in the right thigh is little stronger.   We'll be walk'n with a crutch soon.      Haw!       Ha!                  Ha(Re!)                       Old-age is a good fr'n of a devotee.

          Learn to compensate.   Srila Prabhupada took regular massage and that controlled his rheumatism.            The parts assemble and disassemble to make our toys of play.    He!   He!         But only Govinda lila is for yesterday, tommorrow, today.

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