AGTSP!!! PAMHO!!!!! Gurudev =) Yasasvini Devi Dasi

12 years, 7 months ago by Yamila Sandivara in Personal Sadhana Reports

I wanted to inform that in cochabamba with the help of my spiritual sister Narayani D. D. and the devout ones of the community; we create Harinama's program!! Jaya!!!

HpS - ASA - Jaya!

I That develops every Thursday 19hs, with books and Prasadam!! Jaya Prabhupada!!! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

HpS - La gente es amable?

Now I am of return in mendoza; because the university in bolivia was suspending the activities a lot of time for political problems. But good my experience with the devout ones of cochabamba was very pretty; and from here I continue asking his reports them on this activity of the Harimana Program. They tell me that they remain very inspired. Jaya Prabhupada JayaJaya Gurudev!!!! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

One more good news!!! June 25 Comes here to mendoza; Maharaja Bhakti-Bhusana Swami!!! We are organizing His Vyasa-puja and Programs!! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

HpS - Oooof!              Maharaja pude describir sus comprehension de Goloka por sus meditaciones!!!                  Muy bien.              Muy bien.  Solamente tiene que adelantar!