GP Dates -- June 6th Response

12 years, 9 months ago by saranga-das in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaj:

Pamho. AgtSP.

1. Actually, every 32.5 months (2.8 years) to keep the two in sync. The Vedic method of calculation is quite old and pre-dates contact with the Greeks which intoduced the sign of the Zodiac and methods to calculated the estimated positions of the planets. I don't think too many devotees ( or people) know this fact. The point is that the Vedic method of 28 nakshastras is perfect all by itself but using signs of the Zodiac is easier to visualize and not a bad place to start, especially for us Westerners.

2. I have not yet contacted any Vedic atrologers but will take this next step with Srikaradas. However, please send me your current email address so that I can keep you in the loop. I really want to keep you in the loop, so that it adds more credibililty to the discussion.

3. Thanks Maharaj very much for taking this matter seriously. Over time, it will become obvious to each person that looks at it.

YHS, Saranga Thakur


HpS - Jaya!     Just send copies of the letters you send and receive from Sri Kari Das to the Blog here.           The signs of the Zodiac are in the SB, Canto Five, no?