Prabhupada's Sannayas

12 years, 6 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj
How is your throat infection? I never thought it could be this severe (persevering for so many days).

HpS - ASA - Neither, I.   Three weeks now.  We maybe eat an extra banana once a day but we are also exercising, like this letter blog and walking 45-minutes each night with NGD, so that should not be such a great problem.    Some persistent contamination hanging onto the soul. Some vanity to give up. Obviously its related to envia of Krsna and Guru and Vaisnava. Hmmmm.    Fasting, chanting, fresh fruits and vegetables, lots of liquid, Hari Bolo.

We hope that you would have got mail from our wife. We are sorry that you got mail directly from female with matter of biological details.[same mail was sent to Anantrupa prabhu].

we had one question over prabhupada sannyasa?

We all know that he tolerated his wife and children for many years and tried to induce Krsna consciousness in them. But all the efforts were in Vain. Then at one point he took sannyasa.

But from Lilamrita we understand that Sril Bhatkisiddhanta Saraswati Maharaj came in dream of Prabhupada twice [as i remember] and told him to take sannyas.  But Srila Prabhupada  did not implement those order [please correct me if i am wrong].

HpS - As we remember he said that he was "Horrified" to think if taking Sannyasa, yet he consulted with Prajna kesava Swami, his Godbrother, and he "pulled him out of Maya".  So then he took Sannyasa, no?

In Prabhupada's lecture we heard that he says it was mistake that He did not obey those orders and delayed his sannyasa.

Now acaryas do the pastime which are inconceivable for common man like me. Even i think  i can misunderstand it.

My question: what lessson  should one take from this pastime of Srila Prabhupada.

1. Tolerate wife and kids till the age of vanprastha and then leave them
2. Leave them if they are not contributing [as Prabhupada  says it was mistake to delay his Sannyas].

I know I am not Prabhupada, neither I have father like Gour Mohan De, who taught him everyhting needed to understand culturally what is right or wrong.

But I remember we are suggested to follow acaryas. I am not able to understand/identify the foot prints of acaryas i Need your help in understanding them. or May be i such a sinful man that i can not even understand or follow the foot steps.

aspiring to be disciplined by you
camel harsh

HpS - ASA - -    Thank you.  We had warning of letter from you and as soon as we saw even little hint of "biological details" we answered that such details should go to some nice Grhastha like Sri Hari Das in Boise and even them maybe more specifically his wife can talk with these detaisl with yoiur good wife.  We need Ashrama gurus.  Men  need men, women need women.

One citation that I took as a determining point and also saw another Godbrother attracted to it years later is in the BG some place where Srila Prabhupada says that if family can sit together morning and evening and sing some Bhajans together, discuss their purports and the purport of some revealed scripture, then there is no need to take Sannyasa.

Of course, there has to be consensual discussion about how much money to make, how many kids to have, how much fame to have, that challenge is there but if people are basically willing to dedicates some time morning and evening to hearing what Krsna has to say then it sould all be practical.

We all missed you on Japa Joe this morning!!!  Now we go for walk with NGD!!