Hare krishna ......Krishna Prema.

12 years, 7 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Other


Accept my most humble and respectful obeisances !!

Dear Gurudeva Thank you very much for be mercyful  with all  my godbrothers and sisters. All glories to Srila Prabhupada  kI JAYY!! Jay GoUrANGA KI JAYY!!

I can not express how  much happy am i , For mercy of Lord Caitanya MahaPrabhu and your blessings , everything will go good for me . Please Gurudeva   i need  your blessings . I want to become a good devotee   of lord krishna , i want to serve to krishna and also  the movement  Lord Caitanya MahaPrabhu , Srila prabhupada ,ISKCON  . I will become a strong devotee with the blessings of  you and all the vaishnavas , because  krishna will give me blessings if his devotees give blessings. I'm learning  a lot of things here in Sri Mayapur Dham, They are wonderful devotees , this is a heavenly place , Srimathi Radharani created this place with a lot of sweetness , this holy Dham is so beautiful and powerful some to  Sri Vrindavan Dham , Srimathi Radharani and krishna are  giving a lot of mercy in the form of lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I would like stay here for ever  but  i have one duty  that  feeling come from my heart,I think my duty is serve to Radha Madhana BIhari and help the preaching in Peru , BUT i  dont know what krishna will do with me ? what services  he has for me ?  if he send me  to some country or place after i have  the desire to come back  to Mayapur or Vrindavan Dham  and i stay here . maybe when i'm more older or now  !! .....xD just krishna knows everything about my future while now  i have to go ahead and learning  from  the senior devotees and from you.

Everyday i learn different things and i know i have to increase  my seriousness  in my spiritual life ,I pray everyday to Radha Madhava for that .

My Sadhana  seesaw go up and down so i dont like this  but sometines is hard to wake up   but still i have  the chance  fix it  please  pray for me ,i know i did proof when i wake up i feel god and when i dont  do i like good  but i feel more good when i do ......xD 

My Japa is going good  , Japa joe help me a lot. thank very much .

I heard from one devotee that CandraMukha swami told : if you do austerity and if you dont feel austerity , you are not progressing but if you do austerity and you can feel  austerity  that is progressings. I like so much this .

My plan in the future , in India :

Do services in CDM OFFICE  until November , i start in November worship deity in Mayapur Academy  until  February , travel with my sister to dehli do business and buy clothes etc , go back to Peru ,  then  i wil come back after one year to India , but i have to booking for plane ticket open for one year . and  then krishna will guide me through you .

Vanca Kalpa !! jay Radha Madhana Bihari ki jayy!!

I will send you soon the Sadhana report of my Dear father : Anuraksha Das .

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP    paoho   Very good.    Why should Krsna have a plan when Maya is always changing Her plan.   She wants to win the game and Krsna wants to win.  So we have to look for Krsna's indication at every moment. There is an enemy soldier, Sleep More, behind the next corner.   Behind the next corner, Mr. Get Angry, Mr. Eat More ...   We have to be on Patrol with Krsna at every moment.