The Hamsa Avatar

12 years, 5 months ago by jaynityananda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

One month has passed after meeting you in Radhadesh, and it has been an enlivening period. Initially, a big void was the only thing left in your absence, but enthusiasm and thankfulness after refreshing the commitment helped me along. Now anartha-nivrti is in full effect, and updated ways of looking at my (future) family relationship are emerging.

Still, there seems to be a big gap between actually living the "tat te nu kampam" purport and accepting the so-called unwanted aspects of my life. It leaves a discomfort to see it happen, being subordinated to mental & grosser bodily responses while intelligence i remind myself that it is Krishna's mercy. I find this a discomfort and, somehow in the back of my mind, ask myself whether i do it right.  

I'm happy for you to read you're in more spacious surroundings, in terms of rest and absence of travel. I like the LOB video presentation, but miss out because of language barrier. I wish you all the best in your current activities!

Your aspiring servant in the mission of Lord Caitanya,

Richard van Dijck

HpS - Jaya!      AGTSP     Yes, we are back in Tennessee.   It is Tuesday 12th and we are feeling really bad iin body   Yet, that only make us laugh.   It is good.  If this body is finished maybe we can get a better position next birth!      Better for Krsna.       AND there's the Key.     As long as we, are calculatee, for how happy are Wee, then happy we won't beee!

Forget about your happiness!


Is Krsna happy?                   Is He living in your house?         Do you wife, children, friends, house, breath, belong to Him? ? ?                   Today is a

 good day

     to die!!!!                         He will take care of everything you give to Him nicer that we!! !!             So, the body's up, the body's down but our 16-rounds are safe and sound!!!!!                 Give us news!!   Give us views.   Thoughts on the Caitanya Caritamrta!!