12 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama

Jaya Krsna Balarama!                    A*T*S*P                   paoho & bw > > >    Here we are in Lokesh Prabhu's apartment about 20-minutes from the Temple. Our throat inflamation is little reduced. Shaved. Look civilized. (It's an illusion). Now we look at the Blog posts.  Taking a hog's load of extra rest, but still the work seems O.K.  Gave class this morning on like chapter 82 of the 10th canto, "Krsna and Balarama meet the Inhabitants of Vrndavana (at Kuruksetra)". It's the basis of Rathayatra. The Festival of India has about 20-tents set out. Devotees are starting to arrive. Meeting a lot of nice people. Will distribute Prahlada-Nrs. VEDABASE.COM cards. Have not got any NIOS cards??!!         Will text Tandavika and NgD  >>->

(DRAT!     We just realized we missed the classes in Chosica and Hawaii.    We got back from the morning program at the Temple and practically speaking fell into bed   DRAT!  (but being sane guess we needed the rest))