CMDD report

12 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports


AGTSP ¡¡¡ PAOHO  ¡¡¡¡

Thank U very much for your communications on skype, emails etc that keeps my utsahan ¡¡¡

Today I spent the whole bhima ekadasi reading Srimad Bhagavatam, listening classes trying to make my esssay about the TIME

and reading my Caitanya Caritamrta that I got <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> ¡¡¡¡

I also did Mangal artik with U jeje I thought that U were on Nashville but then U told me that U were on Atlanta so I put mayapur tv and I saw U there in mangal artik ¡¡¡ JAYA very nice not too many people but really nice ¡¡¡¡ Internet is a very important tool for preaching ¡¡¡ jaya ¡¡¡

It is hard but I am trying to organize more my TIME jeje the time again ¡¡¡¡ umm my idea was not have a fixed day in pujari in wilson and just go in emergencies but that night I had a dream with Gaura Nitay. Nityananda was gone ¡¡ I asked Caitanya where is nitay??? He did not tell me ummm I did not understand that then for one thing or another I was not able to train the new pujaris but on saturday I hope we can start¡¡¡ and also I continue with my idea to do more administrative work in pujari rather than practical service ¡¡¡¡ hope it works

 Fortunatelly I have help Rohini kumar das helps a lot a lot ¡¡¡¡ and new pujaris are coming ¡¡¡ they just need time to learn ¡¡¡ Again time ¡¡¡ jeje

On saturdays I am doing the noon offering in schell is quite simple after I finish my classes who are near schell I go and do the offering take prasadam have some association and then leave and rest is ok ....

I was wondering two things:

1.- U told me that oscar's movies are nice but they need to be known and I told U that maybe my sister can help with that would You like that she helps U??

   ASA - HpS -  I guess first thing.  AGTSP      paoho   Is for her to look at the movies and see what she thinks of them.  Of course, they don't look so good on a small screen.

2.- Can U please show us an example of your essays for this third canto for me the themes are more and more rich and this specially the time ¡¡¡ where can we see your essays???

HpS - ASA - Last year we were Student, Teacher of three groups, Local and International Administrator.    Ooooof.   Impossible but necessary. This year much improved, but as you know we are still recovering from last year. This year I and Srinivasa are not writing any essays. I would say the same should be for Ananga and Rohini. Their Chapter  Study guides, which will be like 100 pages by the end of the year maybe, are our Essays.

I am teaching Bhakti sastri very nice ¡¡¡¡ we are in the LOB  and also it is a possibility to start to teach pada padma to one young lady who wants to take second initiation from JPS and HE is asking now that the candidate must have BS and have been read the 3 first cantos of SB ¡¡¡¡

Sadhana is good ¡¡¡¡

Jaya Srila Prabhupada ¡¡¡

Guruparampara KI JAY ¡¡¡¡

Trying to be useful

Kumari Candramukhi dd

ASA -  Oink!    Oink!    Was Ulysess happy after his 1-1/2 hour adventure?   After one day with no food and home he might have had a different view of life...