News of a madman (LMDas)

12 years, 9 months ago by LalitaMadhavadas in Hot Topics

Jay Srila Prabhupada !
Jay Sri Vrindavam Dham!

Pranams dear gurdeva, my humble service to you and your students blessed.
Here we are, even keeping my vows and commitments (Radha Krishna Mercy)
I followed his advice and some things are taking better color.
I am applying for a Music scholarship to India, krishna is doing these things, often i acted selfishly with these plans, just thinking about me  but i know, Bhakti music is my goal.
I dont know how to surrender to you dear guruji, my mind today seems like a volcano in eruption, many desires and little kindness.
Im doing the same service in the temple, worship deities, cooking, 12 horas kirtan program(This month we meet ONE year of this program), respectful Vaishnava Sanga, Reading wonderful Vaishnava poems (songs); I have a question in relation to this ¿Can i sing or read about Mira bhai? I know the story and is very devotional.
I miss her association Guruji
I hope to be useful in your mission.
My life at your service
Lalita Madhava Das

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP   paoho   Esteemed Mad Man.     Thank you for your letter. All our generla news in the DTC.    Soooo nice to hear from yoiu.        Mira bhai.  I think Prabhupada liked "her" and her songs, but she is just not clear enough to be regular food on the table to ISKCON devotees.

For example, scholars say that there are like six times more songs written by "Mirabhai" after the date of her death than while she was alive.

Hmmm?   See the problem?            Seems she existed and was a nice devotee. Maybe she had some little attachments here and there, but there is no paramapara acharya from her to give her to us clearly. So many of her songs are written by many other people after she left.

So... as general Vaisnava poetry it can be nice. We have to judge it in terms of the Acharyas and in the Temple programs seems Prabhupada thought it not correct. In public cultural programs, even in the Temple, Prabhupada was more liberal.

Let's see your other letter.