HpS - GBC Relationship

12 years, 9 months ago by hps in Hot Topics


A G T S P !



Estimado Jagajivan Das Prabhu et al,

Paoho Is so nice to write from you and to get the responses to our letters. Sorry if we have a persecution complex... Usually there is constant communication on the LABGCforum, so I guess it was not too crazy for us to think we had been removed. Sorry for any confusion. We are just trying to be Fomal in this Sannyasa Ashrama. It came up at this Symposium on Education this weekend here in Radhadesa. Some feel as we do that the formality of Brahminical culture has to develop more in ISKCON. There has to be a class of people who only get involved with politics, money and women in a general theorectical way. So, I agree that you should not discuss details of these legal matters with us. If we can be of use in philosophical perspectives then please let us know. As far as remaining on the LA GBC communication. I think that we can look over the particular political details and watch for things that we should attend to. Is that a good strategy???


We have stomach cramps and chest pains from the pressure. Five airplanes in one week. SYmposium and now Manipura, trying to help after Maharaja's departure.


Then guess the plans to focus more on Chiclayo, our itenarary for the Fall etc. are O.K. We consulte with so many devotees and Juntas! Gave our perspective and got the comment, "So I have to make my own decisions?". Yes, but here is the general perspective. In general our comment was that Jayapataka Maharaja is the central administrative authority in Peru, so people should work their ideas out clearly and when he is there, they can connect with him administratively and personally. Personally we see that Maharaja and our selves have different management styles but there is no conflict if everyone is in their personal line behind Srila Prabhupada!


Jaya! So, so nice to write to you. Please give us your mercy as you see fit and now we go to India.