HpS - ASA = GBC Report

12 years, 10 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

A G T S P !

Esteemed Jayapataka Swami, Tirtharaja Das et al,
Paoho.    We hope this meets you well and fixed in your potent Sankirtana.    We have just returned from two months in South America and would like to submit a little report and proposals.
1st, we have it on pretty good authority that everything that we pass on internet can be pulled up for several years in the future. Of course, that makes me feel secure that my government is taking such good care of me.
2nd, in general, in our stereo-type Sannyasa efforts, we keep all administrative communication public anyway.
3rd, it was a lot of work in Peru and Argentina but wonderful results. In the last report we mentioned Argentina so let us finish off with Peru. We spent about three weeks in the North on Payonidhi, Yadu Das et al's rural land. They are growing sugar-cane, rice, fruit trees and mosquitos. Robbers came at night to steal the neighbor's cows after poisoning everyone's dogs, but another neighbor opened up on them with three or four shotguns so they took off. In general, we see the area as a practical prospect with water, Sankirtana ambience and our disciple, Janardana Das, and others are already making commitments to buy land there.
In Lima we did two festivals and three university programs. We are inviting the professors and administrators to participate in this symposium on the resources of ancient Indian culture in forming a better world at the end of this month with us, NIOS, and the Indian museum, Kolkata.
Besides the rural development our focus has been the educational development and Radha Madana-bihari. On the educational side with have about 35-Bhakti-sastri students in the two cycles and about 6 in the Bhakti-vaibhava program. We are pushing to get accepted as a Bhakti-viabhava Diploma Center with the Iskcon Board of Examiners. We lack one technical detail in our application. Now we are on the second year, Third Canto, and others who have just finished their BhSastri course have started the first year, Cantos One and Two. It is a lot work to make this all meaningful.
With Radha Madana-bihari we did a lot of consulting with the Temple Board, individual anguished Pujaris et al. We were Head-pujari in San Francisco for several years and people expressed a lot of relief from our ideas.
In general we were asked for a lot of advice about the Deity standard, relationship with Puri Maharaja's Sannyasi who is visiting, the legal conflicts etc. We try to keep to principles in most cases and let people make their own final decisions and always instruct people to keep proper co-ordination with Temple and ISKCON administrative authorities.
One thing, I guess we were removed from the Latin Regional GBC after our last report as a security risk or for giving comfort to the enemy. We were never given any notification. We just stopped recieving copies of the communication. That is understandeable to us in general, but if a small official note could come clarifying our position that would be important. Also, I think that almost no one except Virabhahu Prabhu's has even a glimpse of our administrative work history, so just to comment, from 1974-1984 we were involved fursiously in all of the administrative work of the San Francisco, Pacific Northwest, Hansadutta Swami zone. We fought off single handedly or as principle team members repeated attempts to steal land and money from ISKCON, were glorified by Atreya Rsi as worth $200/hour for our legal talents and our esteemed Sannyasa Guru and BI chief, B. S. Damodara Swami said that if he had a second wing like Hanumat Swami he could fly.
So, we have dealt with this administrative stuff well, but we are 75% Brahmana, 25% Sudra, so business and administration is not natural for us.
Our proposal is that we integrate with your Sankirtana programs for Peru and Chile and in the Fall we come from Mexico to Guayaquil to Peru to Chile to Australia and back up.
Now we have to run to the airport and we are off to Radha-desa Symposium on education, Manipura and Museum Symposium in Kokatta. 30th May we are back in USA for Panihatti. If we live through this month it will be a miracle. This year, 2012, is the last time we plan to work like this. 2013, "HpSwami and the Anjana Suta Academy Retire Timely", 2014-2024 writing and 2024 we hope we can go to Krsna!!
Thank you so much.
Please give us your mercy.
Hanumatpresaka Swami
Anjana Suta Academy