Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,
Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.
The specific letter sits in-between 'NIMSAR REPORT ........' (older) and 'gadadhara das', both mentioned 2 weeks 1 day ago today. Hope this helps...
HPS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP Yes, error corrected!
Matters are going steadily here. Yesterday we received deities of Gaur Nitai, now blessing our house.
ASA - HpS - SUper!!!!
A joyful occasion in our household! We are looking out to the national holiday of Queensday, this monday the 30th, where Kadamba Kanana Swami and Sacinandana Swami will come over from Radhadesh with 2 busses of devotees, many of them disciples of KKS that came over for his Vyasa puja on the 29th. It's an estimated 1 million people on Amsterdam's streets that day, practically everyone dressed in orange, the national colour, and we'll do 8 hours of Harinam. Last year around 300 devotees took part. Spectacle!
ASA - And unlimited Marijuana smoke and alcohol, no?? Ooof! Give the Mantra!
Hope you are doing well, Maharaj, and may you be up to date with your work.
Your aspiring servant,
Richard van Dijck.
ASA - We seem to be up to date. By lots of work. Vision is getting weaker can't use computer like this much more. Please chant as much as you can!! And inspire others!!!!