Hare Krishna!!!

12 years, 10 months ago by danielfrozero in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories toSrilaPrabhupadaand the devotees
All glories toSwamiHanumatpresaka Swami


Please Accept my Humbles obeisances

How are you?

HpS - ASA    -      AGTSP     paoho      We are in suffering in hell, but if we chant and dance fast enough it doesn't hurt so much.

Here we are well, following our progress in Krishna consciousness!
Sorry, I could not writebefore.
Thanks for letting me serve to you personally in your stay in Buenos Aires.
I'm going through a time of change, and I'm getting used to everything new. But I feel Iam with very little time in the day. In the restaurant I'm full time in association with the devotees and helps me to develop many aspects in my life, as tolerance.
If I release you from this cold and flu, I'll connect with japa joe  as being sick will not let me wake up early.
How do we realize if things that happen to us are karma or are plans krishna?

HpS - ASA    -    Many different ways.   Need details to give a detailed answer, no?   And that can be impossible by telefone often.   But if we are chanting 16 nice rounds and following the four principles strictly under Srila Prabhupada's authority...   "mahatmanas tu mam partha..." (cited in NOI) our whole life is under Radha-Krsna!

Think you all right to go slowly and make sure steps in the spiritual life,or should we make great sacrifices and austerities?

ASA -  NOI    -   Text Three.......    Utasahan is more more important than dhairyat, but without dhairayat it becomes passion.  So make plans and act with some intelligence.  Bee enthusiasic to advance, solver your problems as your first priority, but... have some patience!

(It's nice giveing this advice because we need to hear it more than anybody else).

As for my sadhana, my sick state I'm not waking early, but this desire to do so frequently. Sorry, but I feel I'm getting a lot of excuses, ajaja

As the japa, chant 16 or more, but I always feel that my meditation is not enough, and try to concentrate more.
As for the service, I fixed the temple in the kitchen cleaning the Tuesday and performed bhajans at the party Sunday.
I hope to contact more often with you.
Pardon my informality in my writing and my English badly translated, aja
Please forgive the offenses
My obeisance to you

Thanks for the constant inspiration
his servant
Deva Rsi Narada das

HpS -  Jaya!!    ----   So nice to hear from you.     O.K.     The body does not have diseases.    The body is a disease.   When we cure the body of all diseases we won't have a body any more.  So our process is...   Suicide.      Ha!      Ha!      Haaaa!!!                  Esperamos  oir de sus esfuerzas!   Nice foto!!!