Where are you my beloved son of Nanda?

1Β week, 4Β days ago by Radha Japa in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Please, beloved and remembered Gurumaharaja, accept my obeisances to the dust of His feet of lotus πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒ·πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸŒ·πŸŒΉπŸŒΊ

I have never sung publicly. But I have made some songs to Krishna, for several years now and I would like to start sharing them on my Youtube channel.

Gopal likes them very much and I think that if at some point I leave the body, He can continue singing them and be inspired by Krishna consciousness.

I have given a tone to some of the Arcayas' songs, like this beautiful poem by Srila Rupa Goswami that I share with you here:


I am still perplexed with my dance to Sri Nityananda.. I don't know if I pleased him or not? ...I remember Lord Brahma when he offers prayers to Sri Krsna and he doesn't know if he pleased him or not? .. Krsna didn't respond at the end.. He just played his sweet flute 😊

Last night I saw you in a wonderful dream. I was in Manipur and I was talking to a Manipuri dancer who told me that she went to Peru and was happy to see the Peruvian devotees so united to do their service. And you were there and then you weren't there. There was a big monkey that was passing by laughing and suddenly I saw your face Gurudev..! inside the monkey's face.. I couldn't believe it!! And you were extremely happy, with a beautiful smile!

Because of the dream where the devil was with your face, last time, I'm not worried, I know that it will go away with the maha mantra.. I think that the less importance we give it, the faster it goes away... Can you recommend something to me please? It's good to have you here Gurudev to confirm these things.

I pray to Krsba that I may understand His instructions Gurumaharaja and carry them out with soul, body, mind and words.

But even though I don't chant publicly, I go out into the streets every day and give Vedabase.com to many people. I am always excited to do this sankirtan and distribute the chanting of Srila Prabhupada ki jay!

Here I share some gems that Franco spontaneously made for Krsna Balarama!

I was trying out the camera on this blog and I see that you can also send a video. Would you like me to send you a video of me singing a minute of my japa here?

I'm also going a little blind... as Gopal says, let's go to Goloka!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚β€πŸŒ·πŸ™

All this foolish J.P Radha dd. wants is to please you Gurudeva, thank you for your time and adorable Self.

Trying to serve you eternally:

J.P. Radha dd

HpS//ASA - We are going a lot blind. GUess we will all be seeing KRSNA by reawakening our insight! That is very good.

I think that your dance, music, media is great.

The more you get out and share it, the more you will understand how to format it?

Any Sankirtan partners in Cordoba?