Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja
Indira Sakti dd and I are studying. I am doing a master's degree in Cultural Management and she is doing a bachelor's degree in Strategic and Innovative Design. Personally, studies are giving us tools to use in many fields, both professional, personal and devotional. I study online at a Spanish university and of course it is demanding, which is very good for me.
HpS/ASA - AgtSP. Sounds very interesting. 😃
Was this what Goebels was doing for Hitler ! 😆
Motive is so important.
Strangely, we just received a letter about the administrative situation in Peru and you were mentioned in it as a very inspiring person in the devotee's history.
Personally, we are always going through problems in the ISKCON, institutional managment.
AS we said, we heard from Prabhhupada's lips when one reporter asked him in Berkeley if there were problems in his temples, and Srila Prabhupdaa answered that this is the material world. There are problems everywhere.
That has given us great perspective.
GBC people that I know themselves give the GBC, ISKCON adminnistrative institution, about 3 out of 5 on the scale from bad to good.
Personally I think that is pretty good, very good, for Kali yuga.
Myself and other Sannyasis I know comment that there are problems but we do not think that we could do any better and are really thankful for what anyone can do and try to help from our situation in the institution.
Bottom line - I take ISKCON as Srila Prabhupada's institution. I try to help. Too old to do projects but give advice as approached.
Expect perfection in my administrative relationship with Srila Prabhupada, able to make friendships in the Institution and again, deal with the public institution with appreciation that this is Kali yuga, SB 1.17, and try to be friends with people in these admnistrative posts more than primarily institutional.
Just some thoughts
I am chanting again, studying Bhakti Vaibhava with Param Padam das and reconnecting with the few and sincere friends that I have. I cannot play hide and seek with Krsna for long because I always lose (happily). Now, I try to do things in a hygienic, internal way and without much parafernalia (in every sense). We are worshiping our Gauracandra and Nityananda deities (JBS and Sri Nrsimha are asleep for the moment). I am sorry I cannot do much more for you and Srila Prabhupada, but this is what I can do for now. My actual service is to hear and chant. In these two years, you have always been there and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I hope to hear from you soon and pray that your health continues to improve
Gandharva das
HPS - You two are heroes! Thank you!! Where do you live???
Any pictures?