There are many, many, many more posts that we want to answer: Jambavati, Nitisara, Nikunja, Murari... ... ..
Makes us sad, frustrated, but our heart and eyes are becoming exhausted.
Please, understand that we see all the Letters, the Titles, and try to answer. We feel so much attraction and affection to everyone.
We try to honor Prasadam with more care, to sleepless, have more strength.
It, the Sun, is at 6.04PM, has set, but still light out.
Was actually little hot today.
Full morning program.
Like Saccinandana Das chanting clearly, so we still have some rounds left.
Could not finish them all in the FMS Japa time.
We will do it!
Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna.
We have many things to be happy about.
Many, many good things in old age!!!
Happiness in youth, boyhood, adult life and old age are all reflections of the real happiness with Krsna.
Imagine growing up in a village with Krsna.
Deep in the forest.
The outside world really getting forgotten!
Hare Krsna... Hare Krsna...
We hope our Twitter posts, our sketches, are getting better.
We don't perfect these things in one lifetime.
Thank you.
Liked answering all the letters today.
Tried to sort through them and give chance to everyone.
Hari Bolo!
Sandhya Arati!!!
Hot milk!