dtc [th/15]

1 month, 2 weeks ago by hps in DTC

the sun is 9pm. 🌞

long, hard day.

very good results from the allopathic medicine, but... feels like we were injected with snake venom intravenously twice to search for a diagnosis, but... we will mostly recover from that and have a practical, very, very, deep look at our heart muscle. 💪 💪💓

make a diagnostic of our year 2000 Mercedes and use it up in KRSNA's service until it is no longer practical, and then if He wants us in the material world for His lila, o.k., we will have another body assembled by the external energy.

will we be with Nimai in Nadia!!!??? 😃

Will we be in the womb of a Vaisnava for nine months?

Will she have WiFi?


Thank you!!!

[Looking at the Blog posts, letter for Saranagati Dasi etc.]

Praying to Radharani to pray to Krsna and Rama (BalaRama) to let us deal with these things!
