Sadhana Update

1 week, 2 days ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to Srila Prabhupada;

all glories to your good self for your exemplary service to Prabhupada and Krishna.

I trust that you are doing nicely in your devotional service as always, in spite of your own health challenges.

I'm assuming that you are aware of a serious injury I had recently incurred from a fall, resulting in a broken right shoulder. Be it suffice to say that my right arm is in a sling, therefore I am writing this letter using my left hand.

Otherwise it would be a couple of months before I write anything at all. The fall took a toll on my daily sadhana routine. I was 2 days behind with my rounds, but I'm all caught up now, and thus far I am able to finish my rounds early as before. I myself am not holding any morning or evening classes, but I'm slowly getting back into the routine of listening to live classes from Hawaii every morning and some evenings.

My wife is doing very modest arotiks each morning and evening, and at times we are still reading at night from the CC: that is, if I'm not too exhausted from the pain and injury.

Seeing myself so helpless and dependent on my wife for assistance with some of the most daily functions of life makes me think of how the conditioned souls have to face the realities of old age, as death comes closer and closer. It is a very humbling and scary situation, to be boldly confronted with such sheer pain and helplessness.

When I was in the emergency room writhing in agonizing pain, I found myself reflecting on how we are eternal spirit souls; on how we all have karma to go thru as part of our purification; and on the need to have some pessimistic view of material existence, if we want to be free from all miseries of material life.

Such reflections really do help me to maintain some peace of mind in the mist of much pain. Of course, realizing such truths would be more inspiring and beneficial than mere recollections of verses. But still, there is some genuine relief in just knowing that there is transcendental knowledge that I have devoted my life to.

I know that you understand these things much more than me, so I will not disturb you by further dallying with such shallow rhetoric.

I pray that Krishna finds favor with my devotional efforts. If you continue to bestow your kindness and mercy upon us, then I can feel confident that Krishna's mercy is a given.

Yls, Bbd🙏

hps//asa👵 🐒 🐖 -- yes, agtSP, we got notified from couple of devotees about your scrimmage with the floor, and checked in about follow up.

yes, we were flopping around with pain-kirtan after a double molar extraction and found we could chant and dance ourselves out of the pain!!



hero 🏅 - still getting 16 rounds done.

if we go on like this,

step by step.

we are guaranteed to become preachers

on the level of narada muni.

we many monkeys admire you. we follow your example!

more news!!

hk//hr = radha krsna rama engage us in your sankirtan!! !