ASA - Bhaktivedanta Library

3 weeks, 2 days ago by hps in Special Category B

ASA [E], bv library, tlc

"And out of all songs, what song do you think is the best?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked. Ramananda replied that any song which describes the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is the best song. The conditioned soul is captivated by sex. All literary works of fiction -- dramas, novels and so on -- describe love between men and women. Since people are so attracted to this kind of literature, Krsna appeared in this material world and displayed His transcendental loving affairs with the gopis. There is an immense literature dealing with the loving exchanges between the gopis and Krsna, and anyone who takes shelter of this literature, or of the stories about Radha and Krsna, can enjoy actual happiness. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.33.36) it is said that the Lord displayed His pastimes in Vrndavana in order to reveal His actual life. Any intelligent person who tries to understand the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is most fortunate. The songs that tell of those pastimes are the greatest songs in the world.

TLC 32: Conclusion

ASA reading includes TLC. . . daily.

This is the Conclusion.

What is an ASA bibliography of this great literature of Hare Krsna, Gurvastakam 4 pastimes?

From CC, KRSNA book, SB, Vrndavan Dhama Mahimamrta [?]?