Arjuna's report 2024 year

1 week, 2 days ago by Carlos Rold in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

please accept my respectful obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I just writing because your disciple Arjuna Das from Chile ask me the favor to send his annual report to you, it goes after this message.

Your aspiring servant,


HK tlgasp gurudeva pamho

Me encuentro viviendo en campo con 3 devotos de vecinos junto con 8 perritos mi caballito y burro.

Seguimos cantando 16 rondas y siguiendo 4 principios ayudando y apoyando la administración de Iskcon .

Este año recibimos y organizamos conferencias y predica académica junto a Radhika Raman y su familia fue todo un éxito.

Seguimos trabajando como Nios Chile.

Gracias eternas Gurudeva


Su eterno sirviente

Arjuna Das, Chile

HK tlgasp gurudeva pamho


I am living in the countryside with 3 neighbouring devotees along with 8 dogs, my horse and donkey.

We continue to chant 16 rounds and follow 4 principles, helping and supporting the administration of Iskcon.

This year we received and organised lectures and academic preaching with Radhika Raman and her family, which was a great success.

We continue to work as Nios Chile.

Eternal thanks Gurudeva


Your eternal servant

Arjuna Das, Chile

HpS - Thank you for the news. What are the names of the Devotees and the donkey...??