Hare Krsna, Beloved Gurudeva:
I am writing on this special day of your Sri Vyasa puja.
HpS//ASA - Thank you!! Just looking at your letter Title we are reminded of a book by one respected author titled, "Moon Beams from a Larger Madness". We will now read these words from the moon.
As I said in the latino program.
First I am so grateful to Srila Prabhupada for His Iskcon for our ISkcon.
I have also realized that even our health is better just by following the 4 principles.
Even if we are not in a good consciousness we are devotees and still we have some knowledge.
Thinking about Trivikram d and your constant question on the whatsapp group that we share with Parasurama. Does anybody know why he did it? All of us have problems that we think that our problems are the worst.
Sometimes I feel kind of lost, but never alone. I know that I can call Palika for instance and she will be there as I will be there for her as well.
HpS - We have to hand Monkey and Piggy some tissue to wipe their eyes!
That is Iskcon, that is what you taught us.
To help each other, to treat each other like family.
Everything is association.
So my offering to You.
Is to take care of my spiritual life and life in general so that if any devotee friend or not needs me I will be prepare and ready to help.
I am not a pure devotee or anything even close to that, but I guess that my 21 years of been initiated will be worthy.
I have heard Sriman Radhika Raman's offering, he presented my thoughts and feelings as well, I presume that most devotees have been touched and identified with his offering. I can not even say the words. What am I going to do when you were not present. But then I realized that I am with parents more than ever after their departure. They will also live in my heart as well as you.
HpS - 🙂 You are in the Recovery Room, the operation is over!! Wake up! This is just a movie that we are all watching. 😃 Your father, mother, me, others are all sitting in the theater with Srila Prabhupada, like morons, eating popcorn and thinking that we are the characters on the screen. 😆
Every time you chant Hare Krsna, you are making progress.
HK//HK// KK HH.... . . HR/HR/RR HH!!!! We just made eternal progress.
Yes, separation is natural.
Friend has gone for boat trip to China, 1932, but we will wake up. Must wake up!!! Krsna needs us... 😠
I am deeply grateful for all the years of your association all the trips, gifts, lectures, pictures, everything.
I hope that we can come and visit you soon, maybe in dreams I dream about you and devotees from time to time, and is nice. As you once said dreams with the spiritual master are not ordinary.
I am going to pay attention to your calendar
Srila Prabhupada KI JAY
Srila Prabhupada KI JAY
Srila Prabhupada KI JAY
Happy Sri Vyasa puja HH Hanumatpresaka Swami KI JAYA
By the way Ulyses sends his respects we are getting another puppy soon Zeus another golden
My sister also sends her respects.
Thanks to everyone. I think, hope, Ulysses is joyed to have a little brother!
We are trying to find all the letters amongst the Birthday Greeetings.
Hope to see you soon
Trying to be your disciple
Thank you for your Moon Beams from a Larger Madness. Only when you become a madman (woe man) like Lord Caitanya can you understand Srimad Bhagavatam.
Become Guru of your circle of aquaintances.