VP Offering

2 months ago by pnd in Hot Topics

Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept mu humble obeisances. [Or as you invented, Pamho :) ]

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and you!

I was always proud as I though I had some intelligence, but after meeting you and your disciples, fool like me becoming humbled and realizing I was proud without a reason.

Your association is always elevating and inspires to be more absorbed in devotional service and to become real devotee.

You always manifest humility which every devotee should develop. 

After last visit of you in Spain I realized you are most important person in my life. I am very honored to get your association. You are most dear person to me.

Thank you for tolerating me. I hope to be able to please you and always be engaged in Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS//ASA - AgtSP. We are devil 👹 but Srila Prabhupada is keep us engaged on a leash! You are like 65%, 75%... perfect? Overcome the obstacles, from many lifetimes!! Become great paramahamsa for Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON by his mercy and the mercy of Lord Nityananda!

Thank you.

Thank you all.

Best wishes for family and Yatra.