Hare Krsna Gurudeva, PamhO, AGtSP
We were thinking for us to give us an identity whom we can follow. Just like in your case , you mediate on "Hanumat" as servant of "Hanumat Presak" and then got inspiration from them initiated things like Kapi-Dhavja, Anjana Suta.
Our name is Hayagriva Avatar Das, now we dont have enough information from Srila Prabhupada books about Hayagriva Avatar.
So, how should we meditate on our identity?
HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! Start with the general principle of Hayagriva Avatar. What kind of relation does he have to ISKCON, Sankirtan, Krsna, in general.
Then more precise focus may come!!
We somehow believe Identity will make us our sadhana better.
HpS - Seems like one essential aspect.
we have submitted our report of 2024 on https://monkeywarrior.com/reports/detail/612/
all we can think our entity as given in image
HpS - Thank you. We will look for it!!!