Closure of the year

2 months, 1 week ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


For people who do not have a firm faith, like me, we face stages of distancing ourselves from the spiritual life. Thinking that with that we are going to find peace which leads to the complete opposite. I remember you once said. If you turn your back on Krishna then you turn your back on everything.

I could take as an excuse what is happening in the Peruvian yatra. However, I am the type of person who likes to take charge of things. I always felt very attracted to God. Since I was little, when I came to school early I used to go to chapel and talk with my friend Jesus.

Looking through photos from when I was a pujari at Wilson I can see in my photos a genuine smile and a grateful heart. However, now I don't like going to temples, and I don't really know why that is. I feel like my life has no meaning or direction. What can I do?

I remember that you once commented in your classes that you had an encounter with Jesus and that He told you that you were not yet ready to follow Him and that you could go with the Hare Krishnas. Was the message like that? I don't remember exactly if it was like that, please correct me if I'm wrong. Can you go a little deeper into that please?

hps - i was wondering if i should join the hare krsna's. therin told me they were a deception by the devil. i prayed to jesus and he appeared for moment behind me and told me that i could not approach him until i was a lot more pure, so stop wasting his time (smile) and join any movement that would purify my heart.

iskcon had all those qualifications.

jesus went the temple and beat the $%$& out of people with his whip for their condemned activities. keep on looking. srila prabhupada is the best christian i ever met. jesus would love to visit him, no?

make you home the best iskcon temple in lima.

I thank you infinitely for all your association for so many years. That keeps the little enthusiasm I have left.

Today when I entered to the FMS I was shocked when I saw the heart monitor on YOu. Then I saw a picture of Lord Jaghannatha's face and the fact that You are always pleased and calm. I really admire your determination, strength and genuine love for Krsna.

Sorry for not being the disciple I used to be. However, in my heart there is only gratitude, respect and great affection towards You and the devotees who have offered me their association and friendship for so many years.

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - My friend David Donnenfield or some one told me that there is no problem so big that a big steaming mug of tea and a good dinner, and it will all look a whole lot better in the morning! 😆 Do things your way!