Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
PAmho, agtSP
The more we try not to talk to you, more we slacken .
the more try to be serious in Sadhana, the more we realise the need to talk to you.
You can answer our letter any time, since you have given us a lot.
Sb 10.87.2
You say that Brahman is indescribable by words. But if the Supreme Lord had not created the intelligence, mind and senses, then sound and the other objects of perception would all be just as indescribable as your Brahman. You would have been blind and deaf since birth, and would know nothing about physical forms and sounds, what to speak of the Absolute. So, just as the merciful Lord has given us all faculties of perception for experiencing and describing to others the sensations of sight, sound and so forth, in the same way He may give someone the receptive capacity to realize Brahman. He may, if He chooses, create some extraordinary way for words to function — apart from their ordinary references to material substances, qualities, categories and actions — that will enable them to express the Supreme Truth. He is, after all, the almighty Lord (prabhu), and He can easily make the indescribable describable.
We realised that, just like deity is made of woods, but my mercy of lord it's God.
Similarly holy name might sound mundane? But by the mercy of lord he can be sound incarnation. So only by his mercy name is transcendental ? Otherwise it's like the material Radhu kunda is just a sign board to spiritual Radha kunda?
HpS//ASA - That sounds pretty good! It always has special potency but depending on us etc. we get namabhasa, prema nama etc.
We manier [many?] times think. we are upanashidic/impersonal/tamasic and unfit for ISKCON personal form worship.
HpS - Us too. We probably have thoughts from our American/Hippy background that would make your hair stand on end, the blood run cold in your veins and your eyeballs bulge from their sockets... but we also have nice thoughts due to Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON!!!
But applying SB 1.7.10 akam-sarva kama, we are getting pulled by Prabhupada books.
His books have no meaning for us without you.
HpS//ASA - 👶 🐵 🐷 🔬 We hope that we can give some meaning to them, but aren't there other devotees, in ISKCON who also give some meaning? Don't you get some just from your intellectual grace. Eg. Just read five pages from SB Canto One and see some result??
Next life time you might be Nimai's puppy, you may want us there, our consciousness needs to be elevated by the mercy of Guru-Gauranga, to be with you.
HpS - We have been together in Gaziabad, Graduate Students apartment in Mumbai, sleeping in library in ISKCON Kolkata, Delhi programs.... Think we are stuck with each other. Some maybe relevant fotos attached.
Thank you.