Jay Maharaj!!

1 month, 3 weeks ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj! PAMHO AGSTP!! All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!

How are you?? Thank you for sharing that Radha Kunda experience, must be so blissful the atmosphere over there!

Well I’ll star replying from them very end of you reply to my previous letter. I’ve heard that statement from Prabhupada on a Instagram account, then I checked it on a website (https://srilaprabhupadalila.org/read/11218) and afterwards I heard Dhanvantari Swami mentioning something related, I really didn’t bookmark the YouTube class, what a pity, and I don’t quite remember which was it.

Well, thanks for all your advice, I haven’t been frequenting the Iskcon Buenos Aires Temple a lot, since I’m feeling like being a bit alone due to all that legal situation I’ve been going through, though I started attending to the Iskcon Philly’s Online program! Wow! was so nice, I felt so much better afterwards. So the virtual things has been some kind of success, because I also started making some grupal video calls with some friends devotees from around the world that I haven’t seen in a while.

I never imagined that in this time of struggle I would get all of that and beside certain guidance on what path to take with my relationships.

I’ve been deepening my knowledge on productivity, as I told you I’ve been journaling, and in the past days I had the chance to review my journal inputs. I found it’s a way to do some sort of self analysis, and well try to correct myself.

I was reflecting the other day on the piece of advice You gave me: open yourself to others with confidence. So how can we strengthen that confidence in order to always know till what point we can share things with others?

hps - agtsp! by trying different intelligent contact with people and seeing the result.

Maharaj thank you for supporting me all these years, sometimes I feel one of this letters is going to be the last one and well, I want to tell you that I’ve always appreciated you, you have been of great inspiration and guidance, and I wish we could someday see each other in some other place.

thank you again for everything,


hps 🐵 !!!