Dear Guru Maharaj
Please accept my humble obesances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We Wish you a
Your most Auspicious 74th Vyas Puja
to be held on
31st December 2024
HpS / ASA - Thank, agtSP, you!!! It's anniversary of our birthday, no? It is 76th??? It will be auspicious if the Guru parampara is glorified from Krsna to me and you!!
Whilst it is impossible for a disciple to repay the debt to The Guru, however, like a father is pleased when his babies offer a sweet to him, bought from the money they recieved from thier Dad
We (Tungavidya Mataji, Vrajajanaranjan Prabhu, Gaura Gadadhara Devi Dasi and this lowly servant) are only capable of offering a few broken words in celebration of your Divine appearance.
Also Guru Maharaj this is my first ever attempt at using a Video Editing software, so please forgive the amateurish presentation.
The Video for your pleaure and for all our God siblings , hopefully can be found by copying the Link below into the browser.
With Gratitude Eternally
Your humble Servant
With Love
Vira Gopal Das
HpS//ASA - Watched the video. Is pretty very good for first time movie maker!! It was like being in Mayapura.
So wonderful.
so wonderful. such a gift. thank you.