Jagat Pavitram Report

1 month, 4 weeks ago by jagat pavitram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my obeisances

This year I have been studying and advancing the audio-visual project “Stories of the Universe”, I have not yet decided if this project should be within an ISKCON program, or if it is better for it to be an independent program, in the meantime I will continue to seek advice from senior devotees. Since August it has been difficult to maintain a standard in my spiritual life since the Huawei 5G project in Peru is a challenge for all staff, however now the pressure is easing and I am now trying to seek spiritual stability.

I constantly visit the ISKCON Miraflores temple, I live alone and I am focused on professional work and the editing of the Stories of the Universe project.

Thank you very much Guru Maharaj for your dedication and time for us,

Jagat Pavitrasm das


hps//asa - always chant hk//hr, 16 rounds, 4 principles, brahma muhurta arati, kirtan, sb!!! sankirtan with srila prabhupada's iskcon... !!