Vyasa Puja Offering

2 months, 2 weeks ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Siksha guru Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada; all glories to your good self, his dedicated and surrendered disciple; all glories to those devotees who have dedicated themselves to assisting you in your own service to Srila Prabhupada. Since I am very embarrassed to share publicly my personal offering on this most auspicious day of your appearance, I need to share here on this site.

I will not comment on the wonders of your kindness and compassion. I will leave that task to your surrencered disciples, as their words are far more meaningful and sincere than mine could ever be. And yet, I feel moved to share some things. I've come to understand that being a spiritual master is a very risky service: what with accepting so much honor, praise and admiration from devotees who look up to you for hope, guidance and shelter.

HpS/ASA - Fools! Fools! All idiots and fools! 😆

They are mistaking the mailman for the letter sender.

We are a 🐶 selfish limited intelligence servant of their real hope, guidance and shelter!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

[Is the same for you also, no?]

Everyone who gets is a taxi car 🚕 expects to be driven and counseled far, no?

... Lord Chaitanya has tasked each of us with such a grave responsibility. You have the good faith and good fortune to take His instruction to heart. I tried to imagine myself in your position, and I came to realize that Krishna is very merciful to me, that I never have to fear the strong influence of being so honored by others. Krishna knows that I would be intoxicated with such sentiments.

Personally speaking, I find that you are truly very special, not simply because of the service that you have taken on as a spiritual master; a service that Krishna Himself declares in the bhagavad gita as being most dear to Him. But for all the years that I have personally known you, you have always displayed a very humble, very meager service attitude. I have never known for you to carry yourself like a celebrity guru.

🐎 🐎🐎

 🐎Jaya HpSwami ! ! [What a Big Ass I am!! 💪 💪 💪😎]

🐎 🐎🐎

I think it is easy for me to be "humble" because I realize what an incompetent Joe I am. Maybe just the guy who slaps the cymbals every now and then in the band at the right moment.

I see a very simple devotee, with a very sincere heart and honest desire to simply serve Srila Prabhupada, in whatever capacity you can and whatever way is needed. Even I remember how once in Denver you were offering to clean some pots and pans in the sink-room area, when it was my service. You were a young sannyasi then, and I was a new brahmachari who didn't know anything. Moreover, you extend yourself in such a personal way so that devotees can be close and personal with you.

I am not at all a surrendered soul, and words can never be enough to express any amount of gratitude for the kindness you show to everyone. Insofar as my daly sadhana is concerned, my morning sadhana is steady. Once again my rounds are done early in the morning, even before my Bhagavatam reading, by the mercy of Narahari prabhu in Hawaii. He shared something one morning and it was like a "shot in the arm" so to speak; a wake-up call to take my japa more seriously. My ears are plugged (as in pratyahara) so that my voice is more amplified between the ears, thus making it easier for me to tune out all external sound distractions, and hear my chanting more clearly. Sitting in front of my Deities, with incense, candle, quiet flute: my japa period is truly the most enlivening part of my life.

Of course, it is still as much a challenge as ever dealing with my mind, especially during japa. The books are still going out when driving for Uber: although I am a very poor salesperson at best when it comes to book distribution.

I fear the day when Krishna will call upon you to leave this world. To whom will I share my heart when you are gone?

HpS - Hare Krsna... KRSNA! 🙂

Thank you for your association. Jayananda Das said that we don't have to be engaged in a "big" service or a "significant" service. Just always find some little, or big, service to do and then Krsna will engage you in more and more responsible work for HIM

He is greedy fellow.

Your lowly and unworthy servant,

Balabhadra dasa

HpS - Thank you!!

Just become dancing dogs in Nimais circus in Nabadvipa?